UK Waste Collection
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Tyre Recycling in Farnham

Since July 2006 the EU’s landfill directive has made it illegal to send tyres to landfill. There are heavy fines for non-compliance.

There are also heavy fines for businesses in possession of more tyres than is allowed without a permit. It is vital you comply with the relevant regulations regarding the disposal and recycling of your tyres in Farnham. This is something we can help with.

Farnham Recycling and Disposal of Tyres

When recycled, tyre materials are reused in a range of ways from carpet and flooring underlay, to outdoor use for running tracks, sports pitches, equestrian use and also for aggregate replacement.

We provide documented proof of collection in the form of a Waste Transfer Note and our staff are fully trained and insured in excess of the industry standards.
If you'd like more information on our tyre collection and recycling services in Farnham, get in contact now.